New York, 2021

New York, 2021

After a weekend in Philly, our Thanksgiving trip continued with my family in New York City. My mom flew in from Costa Rica, while Max and Einat drove from Boston with Rollo in the back. Hopefully next time Danny, Caro and the kids will get to join us.

I also brought my film camera, so expect a few stragglers to come from that in a second post later on. More...



After briefly seeing our friends Annie and Michael in Louisville for their wedding party, we planned to meet them for a bit longer in Philadelphia. We had planned an East Coast trip to see my family in NYC for Thanksgiving, so adding one more city to the itinerary was pretty easy. More...

Camping in the Headlands

Camping in the Headlands

After far too long since our last camping trip, Hannah and I decided to spontaneously book one for the upcoming weekend. There happened to be an opening at Bicentennial Campground in Marin, a tiny 3-site campsite near Point Bonita. More...

Louisville, Kentucky & Washington DC

Louisville, Kentucky & Washington DC

As part of the post-COVID wedding marathon, we flew to Louisville and DC back to back. More...

The Whole World is Your Antilibrary

The Whole World is Your Antilibrary

In How to Travel with a Salmon, Umberto Eco writes about the shock experienced by people visiting his house upon encountering the thousands of tomes in his personal library. Continue reading...

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