
Hi, I’m Avy!


This is me circa 1995. Not much has changed.

The photo above was taken in San José, Costa Rica, where I was born and raised. I’ve lived in the US for the past ~12 years, first in Chicago, studying engineering and economics at Northwestern University, and now in San Francisco. I spent a few years at Apple, first building analytics and data visualization tools for the Maps team and eventually leading the Siri Metrics Platform team. In 2021, I joined Vouch, a startup building insurance for other startups (yes, it is meta) to lead their Data team. In 2023, I left to cofound InScope as CTO and build generative AI tools to help companies manage their financial reporting, and I learned a lot in the process. I’m currently looking for my next adventure.

Way too much of my free time is spent reading, both online and off. This blog is where I compile my favorites for others to indulge (including future me). For a full list of what I’m reading, check out my book pipeline. It’s way easier for me to take a good photo than to write a good essay, but I’m working on improving both. I’m interested in complexity, emerging behavior, and the systems that humans build to tame the two.

To learn about how this site is produced, check out the colophon.

I’d love to hear from you. If you’d like to hear from me (not too often!) sign up below: