Links - April 8th, 2016
- Broken Promises: The Housing Market in SF (And Ten Ideas to Fix It) Zac Townsend
A clear economic analysis of the housing market in San Francisco, its history, its distortions, and its intricacies. Zac makes good arguments, proposes attainable solutions, and brings examples of other cities arount the U.S. that have solved similar housing crises before.
- The Weird Redemption of SF's Most Reviled Tech Bro Lauren Smiley - Backchannel
While the city officials’ skepticism is understandable, their stubbornness to work with a capable person due to his background is not. Two very unexpected things I learned from this piece: 1) San Francisco’s homeless population has been around 6000 for over 25 years. 2) between nonprofits and city departments, $241M/year are spent on supporting San Francisco’s homeless population. That is, roughly $40k per person.
- Declining Mobility and Restrictions on Land Use Alex Tabarrok - Marginal Revolution
- A 26-Story History of San Francisco Alexis Madrigal - The Atlantic
I went to a meetup at 140 New Montgomery this week. The event was unremarkable, but the venue was odd. This essay tells its story.
- On your marks. Get set. Go. The fourth Facebook goldrush just started. Jeremy Liew - Lightspeed Venture Partners
Everyone is talking about bots.
- Why Kik Thinks Chatbots Will Kill Webpages Cliff Kuang - Fast Company
- What the iPhone has done to cameras is completely insane Roberto A. Ferdman - The Washington Post
- Stop Voter Suppression Robert Reich
- What Bernie Sanders Gets Right Mark Thoma - The Fiscal Times
As usual, Thoma asks the right questions. I am particularly interested in the “how is the social interest is defined?” aspect of his article. When companies, and identities, span across the world, our definitions of society change too.
- Losing Money Fred Wilson - AVC
- Film Dialogue Hanah Anderson and Matt Daniels - Polygraph