Links - May 4th, 2016
- The Increasing Problem With the Misinformed Thomas Baekdal
Extreme clarity on the future of journalism, media, and strategies for companies in the space to respond to change. TL;DR: create better content or disappear. The arguments fit perfectly with Aggregation Theory, and while the article is a bit too focused on politics, the analysis could apply to any other news covered by the media, from the Tech Bubble, to ISIS, or Millenials. Long, but worthwhile.</br>I have been reading Baekdal for years. I can’t even remember how I ran into his blog, but it must have been 7 or 8 years ago, and I am glad I did.
- Demystifying Venture Capital Economics (Part 4) Andy Rachleff - Wealthfront
While I have read (…skimmed 🙄) Mary Meeker’s report several years in a row by now, I had never consciously noticed the acceleration of adoption rates of new technologies.
- AdBlock Plus teams up with Flattr to help readers pay publishers Anthony Ha - TechCrunch
Possibly more interesting than the opt-in model championed by Blendle.
- Inevitability in technology Benedict Evans
Evans has a knack for finding great analogies from history. In most cases, path dependence, network effects, consumer lock in, and feedback loops matter more than any one decision. I wonder if we can systematically figure out the decisions that matter more…
- My path to OpenAI Greg Brockman
Somehow, the dots connect in the future.
- Type Wars Robert C. Martin - The Clean Code Blog
Was not expecting Uncle Bob to finish on that note. The history of programming languages is a big question mark for me. If you have a good book/blog post to recommend on it, please send it my way.
- Everything as a Service Ben Thompson - Stratechery
Ben sounds more bullish in this article than in the past few, especially Exponent.
- Apple's Numbers Bob Lefsetz
Yet another bear case for Apple pinned on the cult of personality for Steve Jobs. While I disagree with the overall message, the writing is really good, and Lefsetz does have a point on the strategy of innovation, viz. Christensen’s disruptive innovation.
- Obituaries My Mother Wrote for Me While I Was Living in San Francisco in My Twenties Bess Kalb - The New Yorker
The title says it all.