SF Weekends

SF Weekends

Two weekends, one post. Mostly shot with my new 24mm 2.8f lens :) More...

Links - April 8th, 2016

Links - April 5th, 2016

Between researching camera lenses and teaching myself machine learning, there hasn’t been much reading lately.

Noe + Dolores

Noe + Dolores

I have been thinking of buying a new 24mm lens, so this weekend I challenged myself to only take pictures with that focal distance. Not zooming is hard, especially when taking photos of strangers you don’t want to get too close to. Here is the outcome: More...

Links - March 31st, 2016

I have spent a lot of time lately trying to understand, and playing around with, computer vision, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and other machine learning models. Between Stanford’s Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition course, Trask’s neural stack explanation, playing snake with Keras and creating image analogies, I have spent a lot more time than usual coding and training machine learning models after work. More accurately, I have spent hours poring over complex equations I don’t yet fully understand, and waiting for models to converge.

Even if you are not a computer scientist, you should read the intro to reinforcement learning linked below. With some understanding of economic modeling, and a bit of effort, you’ll get the basics of how a system like AlphaGo works. Machine, or otherwise, learning is fun.

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