Time Travel Variety Pack

Time Travel Variety Pack

One of the curious things about shooting film is that it’s warped the way I think about time and place. Continue reading...



Taking advantage of the flexibility of WFH, we decided to go to México for a bit. We ate a ridiculous amount of excellent food off of street stands and in nice restaurants, and tried so many kinds of mezcal that by the end I wasn’t even sure which ones I liked most. Continue reading...

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz

Hannah had a “recharge day” off from work, so taking advantage of COVID’s work anywhere option, we went to Santa Cruz for the weekend. I worked from the hotel while Hannah wandered on Friday. More...

San Diego

San Diego

Although I’ve lived in California for almost 7 (!) years, I had never been to San Diego. This New Years, we planned a trip there. More...

New York, 2021

New York, 2021

After a weekend in Philly, our Thanksgiving trip continued with my family in New York City. My mom flew in from Costa Rica, while Max and Einat drove from Boston with Rollo in the back. Hopefully next time Danny, Caro and the kids will get to join us.

I also brought my film camera, so expect a few stragglers to come from that in a second post later on. More...

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