Crossing the Bridge
June 11, 2020
For Memorial Day weekend, we went on a hike that made it up for months of being locked down in our apartment. Hannah and I walked all the way from our apartment in the Mission to Kirby Cove and back, picking up our friend Nikhil a few miles in, near the Haight. Without thinking too much about it, we ended up doing a 21 mile day.
My feet hated me for it. More...
Curiosity, or the exponential nature of intertext
May 25, 2020
Grab any book from your shelf, and read the first few pages. Chances are, you unknowingly just skipped over a few implicit references that the book’s author left there in anticipation of another learned reader, someone who, unlike you, had read the same tomes as the writer and kept the same lessons from them. Continue reading...
May 5, 2020
Everything is weird. In these strange times, I hope you’re holding up, staying healthy, coping, taking care of your loved ones, and trashing every single email that opens with any of the phrases above.
I have been mostly locked up in my apartment, occassionally going up on our rooftop, and taking my camera out almost every time I leave the building. At the top of my list of dumb purchases was a 2x extender for my camera, which effectively turns my zoom lens into a 140-400mm f8.0. It’s pretty ridiculous. More...
The Crosstown Trail
April 7, 2020
Back in November, when we could still go outside and interact with other people, a new trail opened in San Francisco: The Crosstown Trail, a 17 mile hike in the middle of the city hitting a bunch of neighborhoods and local businesses, climbing to many lookout points, and cutting through multiple parks, large and small. It wasn’t hard to convince our friends to hike it. More...