Camping in the Headlands
December 7, 2021
After far too long since our last camping trip, Hannah and I decided to spontaneously book one for the upcoming weekend. There happened to be an opening at Bicentennial Campground in Marin, a tiny 3-site campsite near Point Bonita. More...
Louisville, Kentucky & Washington DC
December 5, 2021
As part of the post-COVID wedding marathon, we flew to Louisville and DC back to back. More...
The Whole World is Your Antilibrary
December 4, 2021
In How to Travel with a Salmon, Umberto Eco writes about the shock experienced by people visiting his house upon encountering the thousands of tomes in his personal library. Continue reading...
Italia V - Positano Revisited, Napoli
December 2, 2021
In retrospect, I should have taken a lot more film photos during our trip to Italy. I still don’t fully trust myself with film, but there’s something that makes these feel very special. Continue reading...