The Entrepreneurship Network

The Entrepreneurship Network

Modeling startup funding as a network of startups and investors as nodes. What is hiding in the network’s topology? Continue reading...

Wikitropolis: The Link Structure of Wikipedia

Wikitropolis: The Link Structure of Wikipedia

Investigating the hyperlink architecture of Wikipedia by displaying the links from five major cities as three-dimensional structures. Continue reading...

Phoenix: An Article Recommendation Engine

Phoenix: An Article Recommendation Engine

Predicting user preferences based on previous reading behavior for online article curation. Continue reading...

Decision Tree Implementation in Python

Decision Tree Implementation in Python

A simple implementation of the ID3/C4.5 algorithm in vanilla Python. Continue reading...

Shelves: TC Disrupt '13

Shelves: TC Disrupt '13

A book sharing application built in 24 hours for TechCrunch Disrupt’s 2013 hackathon in San Francisco. Continue reading...

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