Blog AF
Written by Avy Faingezicht
Where I talk about books, tech, econ, photography, and random thoughts.
Links - August 24, 2015
Dinner and Deception
Edward Frame - NYT
Mobile Messaging and Social Media 2015
Pew Research
The Trucks Are Killing Us
Howard Abramson - NYT
Don't be Apple
Jon Evans - TechCrunch
Are Japanese Intestines Longer?
Andy Raskin
Links - August 20, 2015
Science vs. Politics
Noah Smith
CEOs are often the last to know
David Heinemeier Hansson
Work Hard, Live Well
Dustin Moskovitz
The Memory Palace (Podcast)
Links - August 19, 2015
Pando goes to, and is escorted out of, Y Combinator demo day
Dan Raile - Pando Daily
Google's toughest search if for a business model
Saul Hansell - NYT (2002)
LEGO Kits and Your Creative Soul
Note to Self (Podcast)
A successful strategy to get college students thinking critically
Scott Johnson - Ars Technica
Links - August 18, 2015
Radiolab (Podcast)
Networks, Firms and Markets
Albert Wenger
The opportunity cost of war
John Quiggin
One Strike
Reply All (Podcast)
Google By the Letters
Steven Levy - Backchannel
Links - August 17, 2015
What to Make of Amazon's Work Practices?
Mark Suster
Futures of Text
Jonathan Libov
Changing San Francisco is foreseen as a haven for wealthy and childless
Wayne King - NYT (1981)
More Than Just a Podcast
Ezra Galston
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