Links - March 4th, 2016

Today I am posting from Indianapolis! I am spending the weekend here with Hannah’s family, and I got a lot of reading done on the flight here, so the article selection today is better than usual.

Links - March 3rd, 2016



An old collection of walks around Muir Woods, Mt. Tamalpais and Alcatraz. More...

Links - March 2nd, 2016

Glen Canyon

Glen Canyon

As you know, I am reading Gary Kamiya’s Cool City of Gray Love, which talks about all sorts of amazing places in the city. One of the first few he describes, in chapter 6, was Glen Canyon:

… not only the most peculiar geographical anomaly in San Francisco -a concave feature in a convex city- it is also the least known. In any other city, a deep, wild, rocky canyon with a creek flowing through it, in almost the exact geographical center of town, would be celebrated far and wide. But even most San Franciscans have never set foot in Glen Canyon. In a city of Mystery Hills, it is the Mystery Gorge. Glen Canyon is literally a tear in the city’s fabric.

-Gary Kamiya, Cool City of Gray Love

I am happy to say, I have set foot in it. More...

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