Links - March 4th, 2016
Today I am posting from Indianapolis! I am spending the weekend here with Hannah’s family, and I got a lot of reading done on the flight here, so the article selection today is better than usual.
- The Science of Happiness: Why complaining is literally killing you Steven Parton - Science and Nonduality
“Your thoughts reshape your brain, and thus are changing a physical construct of reality.” After all, it is all in your head.
- We Should All Have Something To Hide Moxie Marlinspike
An oldie, but a goodie. Very fitting these days with the whole vs FBI story. Moxie makes good arguments against 100% effective law enforecement.
- How to Deploy Software Zach Holman
Making good decisions upfront, and investing in improving the software development process (via testing, CI/CD, etc.) is costly, but pays off over time. This is especially important as the organization grows. Building software is easier when you’re not afraid of breaking it.
- Seeing Economic Patterns That Don't Exist Noah Smith - Bloomberg View
- We Hire the Best, Just Like Everyone Else Jeff Atwood - Coding Horror
I have been involved in several interviews since I started working full time 8 months ago. The process is unbelievably broken. Jeff makes good points on how and why that is so.
- The architect of the Reich Michael J. Lewis - New Criterion