Links - March 16th, 2016
- The Amazon Tax Ben Thompson - Stratechery
An extremely bullish case from a former Amazon bear. Ben’s writing is usually great, but this one takes the prize for clarity: connecting the dots from Bezos’ famous letter to shareholders in 1997 to the beginnings of AWS in 2006, to today. A must read.
- Ping21: Earn Bitcoin by Monitoring Uptime and Latency Tyler Pate, Andrew DeSantis, Eli Haims, David Harding, and Balaji S. Srinivasan - Medium
Very seriously considering buying one of these. Seems like the investment would pay for itself with a few hours of tinkering.
- The Era of Free Trade Might Be Over. That’s a Good Thing. Jared Bernstein - The New York Times
- Elegant Economic Theories Get Shoved Aside by Data Noah Smith - Bloomberg View
- Handful of Biologists Went Rogue and Published Directly to Internet Amy Harmon - The New York Times
An interesting account of incentives at work. Nobel prize winners, and other already well-known scientist, do not care about the prestige of the important journals, so they get to publish directly. Young, unknown, scientists on the other hand, are stuck with the old, considerably inferior, publishing system to prove their worth.
- After Cash: All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses a Bank Account Megan McArdle - Bloomberg View
- The Changing Value Of ARR Alex Wilhelm - Mattermark
On one hand, the article makes good use of historical data to make a clear point: SaaS has been hit hard by the markets, both public and private. On the other hand, the URL makes good use of pirate jokes.
- On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point Eduardo Porter - The New York Times
- The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do Lindy West - The Guardian
Some things about this country are still baffling to me.