Links - July 4th, 2016
I haven’t read much lately. I checked my stats today (yes, I keep track of how many articles I read) and my rolling one week daily average is about to hit 1 article read per day. That is scary, because I don’t know what is consuming my time in place of my usual online reading.
It might be Twitter, and the bots, but that doesn’t add up in my head.
- Ev Williams is The Forrest Gump of the Internet Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic
- Twitter Is Betting Everything on Jack Dorsey. Will It Work? Nick Bilton - Vanity Fair
- Why Amazon Has Consumer Investors Bemused and Confused Ezra Galston - BreakingVC
- The Strategy That Donald Trump Borrowed From Ann Coulter Peter Beinart - The Atlantic
- Think Less, Think Better Moshe Bar - The New York Times
- Reading Proust on My Cellphone Sarah Boxer - The Atlantic
- What Color is Your Function? Bob Nystrom
- Start with the Premise that Everything is Noise Tomasz Tunguz
- The Elements of Stickers Connie Chan - Andreessen Horowitz
- Siri In Chains M.G. Siegler - 500ish Words
- Artificial intelligence produces realistic sounds that fool humans Adam Conner-Simons - MIT News
- Teaching Robots to Feel: Emoji & Deep Learning 👾 💭 💕 Xavier Snelgrove