Links - September 7th, 2016
- Knowledge (2015) Albert Wenger - Continuations
In this post, Albert defines knowledge from a humanistic perspective. It nicely ties into a recent article I shared about nihilism. Knowledge only matters if it is worth reproducing.
- Learning and mastering isn’t the same David Heinemeier Hansson - Signal V. Noise
Slowly, one abstraction at a time, software engineering has become more and more accessible. The advent of Ruby on Rails marked the beginning of a wave that lowered the barriers to entry for programming, particularly web development, for thousand of engineers. I am one of them. Now it is time to put in the hours and master the craft.
- Story of My Life: How Narrative Creates Personality Julie Beck - The Atlantic
We contain multitudes. Our idea of the “self” is just an aggregate of layers of all previous actions and states of mind, wrapped in a narrative that also changes over time. It’d be an interesting exercise to try and model this computationally, somehow.
- When You Change the World and No One Notices Morgan Housel - Collaborative Fund
Real innovation takes time. It is, however, important to remember that cycles are contracting. Innovation itself is accelerating, and that needs to go into our decision making models, too.
- How Apple Helped Create Ireland’s Economies, Real and Fantastical Adam Davidson - The New Yorker
The events that are developing in the EU right now are potentially more important to the future of global culture than most people realize. Whatever conclusion comes from this case might define sovereignty and jurisdiction across national and supranational borders. As Tim Cook posits in his letter, “at its root, the Commission’s case is not about how much Apple pays in taxes. It is about which government collects the money,” and that is the actually interesting question here.
- How Harambe Became the Perfect Meme Venkatesh Rao - The Atlantic