Links - September 29th, 2017
September has been a long month. Moving apartments is both mentally, and physically taxing, and the process is extremely time consuming. These have been sitting idle in the draft box way too long, so here goes:
- How I went from selling food in the street to working for top firms in tech Alvaro Videla - Medium
- Falling Is Learning Nathan Yau - Flowing Data
- Hace 9 Años Leo Carvajal
- Apache Arrow and the "10 Things I Hate About pandas" Wes McKinney
- What We Get Wrong About Technology Tim Harford
- The modern state, not ideas, brought about religious freedom Mark Koyama - Aeon
- When the Rich Said No to Getting Richer David Leonhardt - The New York Times
- How the Dollar Stays Dominant Adam Davidson - The New Yorker
- How America Went Haywire Kurt Andersen - The Atlantic
- How To Value Crypto Assets Fred Wilson - AVC
- Ask Not for Whom the Doorbell Tolls. They Won’t Answer It. Christopher Mims - WSJ
- Japan's Rural Aging Population Alana Semuels - The Atlantic
- Is There Any Point to Protesting? Nathan Heller - The New Yorker
- The Coinbase Seed Round Pitch Deck Brian Armstrong - Medium
- How To Make It In The Music Business (Podcast) Planet Money
- Oliver Sipple (Podcast) Radiolab
- White Haze (Podcast) This American Life
- Essay B (Podcast) This American Life
- Orbes Cintilantes (Podcast) The Memory Palace
- Philip Auerswald on the Rise of Populism (Podcast) EconTalk