Film, II

Film, II

Like last time, the full roll of 36 is below, only slightly edited. More...

Get Bent

Get Bent

At peak pandemic stir-craziness, our friend group decided it was time for a road trip. Since California was experimenting with COVID policies, we couldn’t get an Airbnb in California as California residents (of course, if you were coming in from out of state, that was not an issue 😒). By the time we actually planned this trip, that was no longer the rule, but the seed of going up to Oregon was planted and we couldn’t get it out of people’s heads.

I wasn’t super excited to drive up 10 hours for no good reason, but it ended up being a really fun trip. We worked from there a few days, and some of us took a couple of days off to hike and relax. Oddly, I have no photos of the house we were staying at. Most of the set are nature shots. More...

Film, I

Film, I

For fun, and to force a creative constraint upon myself, I bought an old film camera. This is the first roll I’ve shot on film since I was twelve, or so.

It’s an odd experience to not be able to immediately tell if a photo will be any good. Carrying a film camera made me think a lot more about what I was shooting. Usually, I’d take the same photo 10 times with slightly different settings, and cut down nine out of ten photos.

The full roll of 36 is below, only slightly edited. More...

Monetary policy, Bitcoin, supply, and demand

Monetary policy, Bitcoin, supply, and demand

One of Bitcoin’s many claims to fame is the fact that it provides a strong defense against inflation, with a supply mechanism that caps the total number of coins in circulation and controls the rate at which new money is created. This, in fact, points to how Bitcoin favors deflation, which incentivizes saving and allows us to clearly see progress in reduction of prices of the goods and services we consume. Continue reading...

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