101 Links From 2015
December 30, 2016
Yeah, that’s not a typo. You’re in for a few throwbacks. Last January I compiled a list of the best content I had read over the year. With 2016 almost over, I was about to repeat the exercise, and noticed I never shared my v1. Luckily, most pieces have aged well.
2015 was a year of choices and change for me: I moved from school in Chicago to full-time work in San Francisco. The selected articles are a good reflection of my mindset then, but after reading through the titles, I was suprised by how many of these I keep bringing up in conversation today. It is remarkable that I could remember where and when I read the majority of the pieces, two years later.
Below is a mix of longform, essays, quick notes, blog posts, interviews and other journalism representing the kind of work I enjoy on technology, business, science and economics, plus the few stray random topics. Since you’re here, I’ll assume you’re familiar.
In alphabetical order:
- I met you in the rain on the last day of 1972
Anonymous - Craigslist Missed Connections - The end of apps as we know them
Paul Adams - Intercom Blog - You Draw It: How Family Income Predicts Children’s College Chances
Gregor Aisch, Amanda Cox and Kevin Quealy - The New York Times - The Cost of Mobile Ads on 50 News Websites
Gregor Aisch, Wilson Andrews, Josh Keller - The New York Times - Mining a VC
Bugra Akyildiz - bugra.github.io - That Time I Tried to Buy an Actual Barrel of Crude Oil
Tracy Alloway - Bloomberg - Fedcoin: On the Desirability of a Government Cryptocurrency
David Andolfatto - andolfatto.blogspot.com - The ethics of modern web ad-blocking
Marco Arment - marco.org - Broken on the Wheel: A gruesome legal case turned Voltaire into a crusader for the innocent.
Ken Armstrong - The Paris Review - An interactive guide to ambiguous grammar
Vijith Assar - McSweeneys - Silicon Valley Then and Now: To Invent the Future, You Must Understand the Past
Leslie Berlin - Medium - Teach or Perish
Jacques Berlinerblau - Chronicle of Higher Education - "Free stuff:" the hypocrisy of a growing campaign theme
Jared Bernstein - jaredbernsteinblog - The Mind of a Con Man
Yudhijit Bhattacharjee - The New York Times - The Bot Bubble: How click farms have inflated social media currency
Doug Bock Clark - New Republic - Here’s how much of your life the United States has been at war
Philip Bump - The Washington Post - The destruction of Alderaan was completely justified
Sonny Bunch - The Washington Post - My Life Driving Uber as an Iraq War Veteran with PTSD
Colby Buzzell - Vice - What Happens Next Will Amaze You
Maciej Ceglowski - Idle Words - Using millions of online photos cobbled together, we can now watch history unfold
Kabir Chibber - Quartz - Georgia: Why so many counties?
Jim Cofer - jimcofer.com - FizzBuzz In Too Much Detail
Tom Dalling - tomdalling.com - Math for eight-year-olds: graph theory for kids!
Joel David Hamkins - jdh.hamkins.org - Interactive Deep Neural Net Hallucinations
Jonas Degrave - 317070.github.io - Understanding Convolution in Deep Learning
Tim Dettmers - timdettmers.com - Filters
Chris Dillow - Stumbling and Mumbling - Exponential curves feel gradual and then sudden
Chris Dixon - cdixon.org - Apps versus the web
Benedict Evans - ben-evans.com - Living in different worlds
Benedict Evans - ben-evans.com - Platforms, distribution and audience
Benedict Evans - ben-evans.com - Technology Is Magic, Just Ask The Washington Post
Jon Evans - TechCrunch - Living With a Computer (1982)
James Fallows - The Atlantic - What is Code
Paul Ford - Bloomberg - Tomorrow’s Advance Man
Tad Friend - The New Yorker - Career Decisions
Elad Gil - eladgil.com - How an 18th-Century Philosopher Helped Solve My Midlife Crisis
Alison Gopnik - The Atlantic - Naked Cities: The death and life of urban America.
David Gopnik - The New Yorker - Cheese changed the course of Western civilization
Cynthia Graber, Nicola Twilley - Quartz - What Doesn't seem like work
Paul Graham - paulgraham.com - How much is a (micro)life worth?
Tim Harford - timharford.com - The Use of Knowledge in Society
Friedrich Hayek - Library of Economics and Liberty - Reconsider
David Heinemeier Hansson - Signal v. Noise - Tales of the trash: A neighborhood garbageman explains modern Egypt.
Peter Hessler - The New Yorker - A bad citizen in Javaland
Darren Hobbs - darrenhobbs.com - Coffee Meets Bagel Meets Me
Ginny Hogan - Medium - Have We Hit Peak Whiteness?
Courtney Humphries - Nautilus - Counting Things in Python: A History
Trey Hunner - treyhunner.com - The Rat Tribe of Beijing
Ian Johnson - Al Jazeera - The state of Computer Vision and AI: we are really, really far away.
Andrej Karpathy - karpathy.github.io - What a Deep Neural Network thinks about your
Andrej Karpathy - karpathy.github.io - Stalking Your Friends with Facebook Messenger
Aran Khanna - Medium - Changing San Francisco is foreseen as a haven for wealthy and childless (1981)
Wayne King - The New York Times - The weight of the world
Elizabeth Kolbert - The New Yorker - The Most Important Thing, and It’s Almost a Secret
Nicholas Kristof - The New York Times - Apple and the Self-Surveillance State
Paul Krugman - The New York Times - When Amazon Dies
Adrienne LaFrance - The Atlantic - Futures of text
Jonathan Libov - whoo.ps - I Don’t Believe in God, but I Believe in Lithium
Jaime Lowe - The New York Times - Magna Carta, Still Posing a Challenge at 800
Sarah Lyall - The New York Times - Why Waze is so incredibly popular in Costa Rica
Matt McFarland - The Washington Post - Why can’t we read anymore?
Hugh McGuire - Medium - The Logic of Stupid Poor People
Tressie McMillan Cottom - tressiemc.com - I’m a 12-year-old girl. Why don’t the characters in my apps look like me?
Madeline Messer - The Washington Post - No one would be unemployed and no one would hold a job
Branko Milanovic - globalinequality - A Tiny Bank's Surreal Trip Through a Fraud Prosecution
Gretchen Morgenson - The New York Times - Roman Mars Explains the Genius of the Chicago Flag
Whet Moser - Chicago Magazine - Let's Code About Bike Locks
Peter Norvig - norvig.com - Boyhood
Rebecca Onion - Slate - The shape of things to come
Ian Parker - The New Yorker - David Krakauer: The systems theorist explains what’s wrong with standard models of intelligence.
Steve Paulson - Nautilus - In Naples, Gift of Coffee to Strangers Never Seen
Gaia Pianigianidec - The New York Times - In Other Countries, You’re as Likely to Be Killed by a Falling Object as by a Gun
Kevin Quealy, Margot Sanger-Katz - The New York Times - The opportunity cost of war (slightly updated)
John Quiggin - Crooked Timber - The $250 Econ 101 Textbook
Craig Richardson - Wall Street Journal - Our Year of Living Airbnb
David Roberts - The New York Times - The ATM is Dead. Long Live the ATM!
Linda Rodriguez McRobbie - Smithsonian Magazine - Sabbath
Oliver Sacks - The New York Times - The Terror and Tedium of Living Like Thoreau
Diana Saverin - The Atlantic - Andreessen Horowitz, Deal Maker to the Stars of Silicon Valley
Noam Scheiber - The New York Times - Capitalism is a Paperclip Maximizer
Renwick Scott - thoughtinfection.com - Scott Aaronson: From computational complexity to quantum mechanics.
Michael Segal - Nautilus - Did Humans Evolve to See Things as They Really Are?
Michael Shermer - Scientific American - The Shut-In Economy
Lauren Smiley - Medium - Did Elon Musk Build That
Noah Smith - Bloomberg View - Markets in almost nothing
Noah Smith - noahpinionblog - Why do non-experts think they know about macroeconomics?
Noah Smith - noahpinionblog - Read what happens when a bunch of over-30s find out how Millennials handle their money
Quartz Staff - Quartz - A different cluetrain
Charlie Stross - AntiPope - Why Explore Space? A 1970 Letter to a Nun in Africa
Ernst Stuhlinger - launiusr.wordpress.com - The Very First Startup Founder You Need to Invest in is You
Mark Suster - Both Sides of the Table - Aggregation Theory
Ben Thompson - Stratechery - Why Buzzfeed is the most important news organization in the world
Ben Thompson - Stratechery - Why Red Means Red in Almost Every Language
Chelsea Wald - Nautilus - Capital Is No Longer Scarce
Albert Wenger - Continuations - Land, Capital, Attention: This Time it Is the Same
Albert Wenger - Continuations - Networks, Firms and Markets
Albert Wenger - Continuations - Origins of the police
David Whitehouse - Works in theory - Cathedrals, Bazaars, and In Between
Greg Wilson - The Third Bit - Finding Your Passion
Fred Wilson - AVC - The Anti-Science and The Anti-Economics Parties
Fred Wilson - AVC - The Blurring Of The Public And Private Markets
Fred Wilson - AVC
Photo by Eli Francis
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