
This year is going by too fast. Somehow, it is already mid July.

We had a few friends over to our place for the 4th of July. Sadly, I didn’t think about grabbing my camera until Ben announced he’d brought a ton of sparklers.

Sharing is caring

Of course, with this technique somone was bound to get hurt.

We enjoyed the illegal fireworks in the Mission. We were too far away from the official show, but we could kind of see what was going on downtown, too.

A few days later, we traveled to Lake Michigan. Hannah’s family meets up every year in South Haven for a big family reunion right by the beach.

They trespassed.

So did I.


Corey’s leg, Kathleen, Hannah, and Shannon.

It was getting dark, so I had to bump the ISO way up. Hannah said this made Paul look “majestic.”

Shannon made dinner for us. Grant and Michael were a bit unsettled when we discussed the price of beers at average San Francisco bars.

Hannah’s dad, Steve, and his brother Mike.

The Shermans blue cow. I still don’t get why it’s on the roof.

We had to wait for this drawbridge a couple of times.

When I showed Michael this picture, he pointed me to /r/AccidentalWesAnderson. It’s good.

Hi, dog.

A play on Rhein II.

This could be straighter.

And that was Michigan.

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