Late Summering

A collection of trips with friends and family in the late summer of 2024. It took me a while to get through the rest of the black and white roll of film I’d started on our Jenner/Sea Rach trip that Nikhil and Rachel planned. I continued to shoot black and white in the city, and got to swap to color on our trip to Sequoia with Amol and Annabelle’s crew. Then Gael showed up. Great summer all around.

Sea Ranch is a moodier place in monochrome.

Good crew.

The Doctor doesn’t care for the ocean.

Hard cut to Valencia.

The Doctor’s cousin.

Then we went to Sequoia.

Good Meadows.

The water was cold, but we still got in.

We hiked a long hike

A usual cold summer day in SF.

Composed and waited.

The boat ride to Sausalito is always fun.

We took this guy to Yosemite.

We did the Yosemite Grand tour hike. Gael had never gone on a such long hike before, and I think he got a bit bored towards the end, but we all enjoyed it.

Never gets old. It was pretty awesome to see Yosemite through fresh eyes.

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