Los Angeles
January 28, 2018
A couple of weeks ago we went to LA. The original plan was to go to the Grand Canyon, but it was going to be way too cold there for me to agree.
We had a lot of fun and ate great food, but overall, I’d say I didn’t like the city. It is way too spread out, and we spent roughly the same amount of time in traffic as out of it. After the fact, someone who was born and raised there told me that we should have just done one or two adjacent neighborhoods, instead of trying to hit Hollywood, Venice, Santa Monica and a couple of others all in a weekend. For me, that’s a deal breaker, but we’ll probably go back anyway. I still want to see the Getty, the Broad, and spend some time in Downtown LA, which we didn’t have the time to do this trip. Maybe we’ll pair that with a road trip down Highway 1, which is still on the to-do list. More...
Women's March, 2018
January 20, 2018
It’s odd that large scale protests like the Woman’s March have become so mainstream. Sadly, I think they are more useful as cathartic exercises than as sources of political change, but I still think it is important to take part. When Hannah asked me if I wanted to join her and a few friends, I said yes right away.
Last year I was stuck at home without a visa, and could not attend. I’m happy I was there today, showing that I care. More...
Books read in 2017
January 7, 2018
You might be aware that I keep a list of my read and “to-reads.” The index keeps growing organically, as I walk into bookstores or converse with friends, but what really drives its growth is that curiosity is exponential: with each book I read, I add a few more to the list. I know I will never be able to finish it. Continue reading...
Back to the Midwest
January 2, 2018
We spent the holiday break with Hannah’s family in Indianapolis and Chicago, and got to see a bunch of friends while we were there, too. As expected, it was cold, and it was fun. More...
Tahoe, minus the skiing
January 1, 2018
For months, Emily had been trying to make this trip happen. Lucky for us, she succeeded.
We had a great crew: Emily, Dakota, Casey, Dan, Zach, Hannah, and me. Somehow Casey and Dan ended up without making it into any of my photos. More...