Links - June 13, 2016
- Time to revisit how we calculate expectations? Cameron Murray - Fresh economic thinking
A simple result that should change how we see one of the assumptions that underlies tons of models in economics.
- Here’s the thing about debt: It’s not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. Jared Bernstein - The Washington Post
- McDonald's: you can sneer, but it's the glue that holds communities together Chris Arnade - The Guardian
I am very happy that I found Chris Arnade. His posts and tweetstorms provide amazing insight into a part of the United States that I otherwise would simply not have access to.
- Silicon Valley's Basic-Income Experiment Is Worth Watching Noah Smith - Bloomberg View
- How Mark Zuckerberg Led Facebook’s War to Crush Google Plus Antonio García Martínez - Vanity Fair
An inside look at how Facebook runs. The content is a little wordy, but I’d like to read more about this story. Will probably end up buying the book.
- Constraints Cristina Videira Lopes - Tagide
The evolution of programming languages depends not only on what new languages allow you to do, but what they don’t. Taking away an engineer’s ability to do X also removes a concern from the picture. Thinking about less things at once means you can focus more on what’s left.
- The Partial Control Fallacy James Koppel - Path-Sensitive
- How “Silicon Valley” Nails Silicon Valley Andrew Marantz - The New Yorker
Watching this show would not be half as fun if I didn’t interact with the people it mocks on a daily basis. The caricatures are spot on.
- A map about the people who live there Nathan Yau - Flowing Data
- Movie written by algorithm turns out to be hilarious and intense Annalee Newitz - Ars Technica
Ross Goodwin keeps pumping them out. Non-sensical, bizarre, and a bit over-dramatized, but interesting.