Links - January 18, 2016
- When Philosophy Lost Its Way The New York Times - Robert Frodeman and Adam Briggle
- Why I Hate Frameworks Benji Smith - The Joel on Software Discussion Group
- A big-shot venture capitalist says we need inequality. What do economists say? Jim Tankersley - The Washington Post
- Life is Short Paul Graham
- Book It, Baby Jon Evans - TechCrunch
- Liber8 BB-8! Paul Krugman - The New York Times
- Are You Sure You Want To Quit The World? Nadya Labi - GQ
- Cancer and Climate Change Piers J. Sellers - The New York Times
- Anti-Education by Friedrich Nietzsche John Gray - The Guardian
- Refugees, rape and the data — I blame the Squirrel Thomas Baekdal - Medium
- It’s 2016 already, how are websites still screwing up these user experiences?! Troy Hunt
- Beware of the Silicon Valley cult Ross Williamson - ThinkFaster